If you’ve taken the time to identify your target market, you’ll want your marketing message to truly connect with your ideal client. Whether you’re writing website copy, a blog post, article or advertisement, you must write with your reader in mind if you want to make a connection with them.
Here are some tips to help you make that connection and win more business:
It’s all about relationships
Where would your business be without clients or customers? Things would be pretty quiet and you’d soon be closing the doors – that’s for sure. So, the ability to connect with your ideal client, then establish and maintain great relationships with them must be a priority – and it should be your end goal. This means being friendly and approachable right from the very beginning.
If you start out with a view to building relationships, you’re more likely to be successful. You know what they say – start with the end in mind.
Know who your ideal clients are
Firstly, you need to get to know as much as possible about your ideal clients. Whether you have an established business or you’re just starting out, having a clear definition of your target market is essential. You can profile your market by preparing Ideal Client Profiles (ICPs) or Client Avatars. These profiles provide a precise understanding of who you’re targeting and may contain information such as your ideal client’s age group, sex, marital status, income bracket, where they live, eat, work and play, their hobbies and any other relevant information.
Talk to your current customers, ask them about their lives and what brought them into your business (instead of your competition). You can use this information to draw others in. If you’re just starting out, speak with people who are in your target market to find out more about their needs and wants. This information will provide vital clues in helping you to connect with your ideal client.
Understand what your ideal client wants
Find out – What keeps them awake at night? What problem can you solve for them? What do they really want from you?
Don’t assume… Ask them. You may be surprised at the answers.
Use the information you gather to direct your marketing copy square at their concerns. By doing this, you will make them feel as though you are speaking directly to them and this definitely helps you to connect with your ideal client.
Tell your story, but make it about the client too
About Us pages and Company Profiles can sometimes be dull and boring for your readers. While it’s important to provide some background details about the business, you need to find a way to weave in stories about how you help customers and the outcomes you’ve achieved on their behalf. They want to know about you, but they also want to know what you can do for them before they will commit to buying from you. Remember the old W.I.I.F.M…. What’s in it for me?
Connect with your ideal client by being relevant and authentic
What kinds of questions do your customers regularly ask you? What’s important to them? What’s relevant to them? You may want to consider these issues before you start writing.
It’s also important to be true to your brand. Some small businesses try to replicate the style of another brand and that can sometimes come off as being inauthentic. Be careful copying…It’s rarely a good look! Spend some time working out the personality of your business, consider who you’re targeting and address the needs of your audience.
Know how and where your customers consume content
Where do you customers find their information? Do they still read the newspaper in print? Do they read their information online? If so, where do they find information online? There’s no point in running expensive ads in a place where your target audience won’t see them.
Use language your ideal clients can relate to
Again, think about your readers. Who are they? What’s their level of education? Think about their expectations of your business and whether you wish to portray yourself as a polished professional organisation or a family-run, friendly and approachable local business. The language used in your writing will be quite different in either situation.
Offer assistance
A great way to connect with your ideal clients is to be generous in your offer to help them. Sure, there will be occasions where you help someone and get nothing out of it, but you’ll come out of it smelling like roses. Who knows, you might even get their business in the future.
Remember, people want to know, like and trust you before they will do business with you, and helping them out in a small way is often a great method of establishing a relationship quickly.
Welcome your new clients
Thank your new clients for entrusting you with their business and be sure to make them feel welcome. It really depends on what your business is, but some companies have a “Welcome Pack” with information and/or samples for new customers to try. Think outside the box and see what you can come up with.
Add value
Try to do that little bit extra – it will make you stand out from your competitors. As Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “It’s never crowded along the extra mile!” Deliver on your deadline a day or two early, provide a little something extra with their order or provide a discount on next order.
Deliver on your promises and provide a great customer experience
It doesn’t matter what you say in your marketing, once you’ve secured the client, you actually have to deliver the experience you promised them. If you can’t deliver, then don’t make the promises up front!
Testimonials and endorsements from happy clients who’ve experienced your amazing product or service are a great way to demonstrate that you will deliver on your promises. Remember to ask your clients to review your products and provide testimonials about your awesome service. Most people are happy to have their say. If you’ve provided a great experience, you should get some wonderful feedback. There will always be someone who doesn’t like something you’ve done, but it’s how you react that matters. If the comment is on social media, it’s important to reply in a civil manner and offer to remedy the situation publicly.
I hope these tips help you to truly connect with your ideal client. If you found these tips helpful, please like and/or share with your business associates or LinkedIn connections.
Hi, I’m Lyndall Guinery-Smith, The Professional Writer. I write copy dedicated to attracting and engaging your customers – and improving your bottom line. I happily work with clients all over Australia. Email me to arrange an obligation-free discussion about your latest project. Or if you’d like to learn how to connect with your audience and build your business, why not input your email address and receive my regular marketing updates in your mailbox? You can sign up for our mailing list at the base of the Home Page on www.ProfessionalWriter.com.au.