How to Write a Winning Business Award Submission

Winning a business award can significantly elevate your company’s reputation, credibility and overall success. Crafting a winning business award submission requires careful planning, strategic storytelling and attention to detail. This blog post will walk you through each step to ensure your business award submission not only meets but exceeds the judges’ expectations.

Understand the Award Criteria

It’s important to understand what the judges are looking for in a business award submission. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • Read the Guidelines Thoroughly – Before you start, carefully read through the submission guidelines. Understand the criteria, word limits and deadlines. Take care not to skip this step – there may be vital information that, if missed, could disqualify your entry.
  • Research Previous Winners – Find out who the past winners are and do some background research to understand what made them successful.
  • Identify Core Values – Align your submission with the core values and mission of the organisation running the awards program.


Create a Strong Introduction

The introduction is your first opportunity to capture the judges’ attention. Make it compelling by:

  • Highlighting Your Unique Selling Points – Briefly introduce your business and emphasize what sets you apart from others. This could be your innovative approach, unique products, or exceptional service.
  • Use Engaging Storytelling – Start with a compelling story that relates to your business journey, a significant achievement, or a unique challenge you’ve overcome. Storytelling can draw the reader in and make your submission more relatable.
  • Outline Clear Objectives – Clearly state your objectives and why your business deserves this award. This sets the stage for the rest of your submission.


Highlight Your Achievements

Your achievements are the backbone of your business award submission. Present them in a structured and compelling manner:

  • Quantify Success – Use specific numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements. For example, “Increased sales by 30% in the past year,” or “Expanded market reach to five new regions.”
  • Awards and Recognition – Mention any previous awards or recognitions your business has received. This demonstrates a history of excellence. Detail whether you’ve received any grants as well.
  • Client Testimonials – Include quotes from satisfied clients or partners. Testimonials add credibility and provide an external validation of your success.


Write a Persuasive Story

A winning business award submission tells a persuasive story. Here’s how to structure it:

  • Problem Statement – Begin by identifying a problem or challenge your business faced. Ensure the problem is significant and relevant to your industry.
  • Innovative Solution – Describe the innovative solution your business implemented to address the problem. Highlight the creativity and strategic thinking involved.
  • Results and Impact – Highlight the positive outcomes and impact of your solution. Use graphs, charts and other visual aids to support your claims. Be specific about how your solution benefited your business and include details of the resilience you and your team have displayed over time.
  • Future Vision – Discuss your future plans and aspirations. Explain how winning the award will help you achieve these goals and further contribute to your industry and community.

Awards Ready, win a business award

Showcase Your Team’s Contribution

Acknowledging the efforts of your team can strengthen your submission:

  • Team Achievement – Highlight specific projects or initiatives led by your team that contributed to your success.
  • Leadership and Culture  -Discuss your leadership style and company culture, emphasizing how they have fostered innovation, collaboration, and growth.
  • Employee Testimonials – Include quotes or anecdotes from team members about their experience working in your company. This humanizes your submission and showcases a positive work environment.


Provide Supporting Documentation

Some awards programs offer the option to provide supporting documentation. This can add authenticity and depth to your claims. Often, award programs will state that supporting documents are optional – it’s an option your should seriously consider! Here are some suggestions on what you can include:

  • Financial Graphs – Include graphs demonstrating your growth in areas such as revenue, net profit, profit margin or customer base to demonstrate stability and growth. Judges often look for financially sound businesses.
  • Photographs and Videos – Visual content can make your submission more engaging and memorable. Include high-quality images or videos of your business in action.
  • Press Releases – Attach relevant press releases or media coverage. This shows that your business is recognised and respected by external parties.
  • Client Testimonials – Include these third-party endorsements of your customer service, the quality of your products or services and your customer experience.


Proofread and Edit

Polishing your document is essential to ensure it’s professional and error-free. Don’t underestimate the value of proofreading …

  • Grammar and Spelling – Thoroughly check for any grammatical or spelling errors. Consider having a professional editor review your submission, or at least ask a team member or a family member to read through your business award submission before uploading it to the awards portal.
  • Consistency – Ensure that your submission is consistent in terms of tone, style and formatting. This can sometimes be an issue where different team members write a section of the submission. A cohesive document is easier to read and more convincing.
  • Feedback – Have multiple people review your submission for feedback and suggestions. This can help identify any gaps or areas for improvement. Your business coach is the ideal person to provide constructive feedback on your submission.


Meet the Deadline

Timeliness is critical for a winning business award submission. How many award-winning businesses do you think miss deadlines? It’s important to note the closing date – and ensure your entry is uploaded to the portal on or before that date.

  • Plan Ahead – Avoid last-minute submissions by starting early and setting internal deadlines for drafting, editing and finalising your business award submission. This allows ample time for any extra revisions or unexpected delays.
  • Check Requirements –  Double-check that all requirements are met before submitting. Missing or incorrect information can disqualify your submission.
  • Follow Up – Confirm receipt of your submission and follow up if necessary. This ensures that your submission has been received and is being considered. Most awards portals have an option to download your submission in PDF format – be sure to do this and file it for future reference.

Crafting a winning business award submission is a meticulous process that requires time, effort, and strategic planning. By understanding the award criteria, crafting a compelling narrative, showcasing your achievements, and paying attention to detail, you can create a submission that not only meets but surpasses the judges’ expectations. Good luck!


Recap: Important Points to Help You Craft a Winning Business Award Submission

  • Read & Note the Guidelines – Understand the criteria, word or character limits, note the closing date in your diary and check any other specific requirements
  • Compelling Introduction – Make your introduction engaging with unique selling points and storytelling
  • Quantify and Showcase Achievements – Use specific numbers and metrics to quantify your success
  • Persuasive Story – Tell a cohesive story with a problem statement, innovative solution and impactful results
  • Acknowledge Team – Highlight team contributions and emphasise a positive work culture
  • Supporting Documentation – Include financial statements, visual content, and press releases
  • Proofread and Edit – Ensure your submission is error-free and consistent
  • Meet Deadlines – Plan ahead, double-check requirements, and follow up


Do You Need Further Help?

Would you like expert help with your award submission? We’re here to support you! Visit our Contact page to arrange a discussion about writing your business award submission.

🏆 If you’d prefer to write your business award submission yourself, why not check out our AWARDS READY WORKBOOK + BONUSES? This exciting new digital product contains all the information you need to gain an unfair advantage on your competition. It includes a 40-page fillable PDF workbook that guides your thought the submission process, insider tips from awards judges, handy checklists to ensure you don’t miss any important steps – AND unprecedented access to THREE winning business award entries. SUCH INCREDIBLE  VALUE! You can download your copy via the Shop tab on our website … and get ready to shine! 🏆

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For additional tips and guidance on crafting a winning business award submission, you might find these articles particularly useful:

Australian Business Awards to Enter

7 Reasons to Enter Business Awards

Click here to read more about Your Expert Business Awards Submission Writer


Want to know more?

Hi, I’m Lyndall Guinery-Smith, business owner and chief word wrangler at The Professional Writer. My team and I write content dedicated to attracting and engaging your ideal clients … and improving your bottom line. This includes website content – we LOVE writing About Us pages, business award nominations, capability statements, company profiles, team bios, blog post packages, and more. We happily work with clients all over Australia. Email us to arrange an  obligation-free discussion about your latest project.

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