7 top tips for a winning Company Profile – from a professional writer

Your Company Profile doesn’t have to be a boring document that people don’t read. It can be a vibrant and interesting introduction to your organisation which helps you win more business.

The following 7 tips from a professional Company Profile writer can guide you in writing the best possible document, which will help sell your business to your prospective customers. Some of the tips may seem basic or logical, but you’d be surprised how many people make simple mistakes – and it can cost you dearly.

  1. Plan your content first

Use a blank sheet of paper or a new Word document. List all the items you want to include in your Company Profile.  Don’t worry about order at this stage – you can work that out later, just write down your ideas.

A mind map can be helpful in this process too – get out your coloured pencils and get busy!

Once you’ve done a rough plan, then go back and fill in some more content and ideas before you start writing.

  1. Tell the reader about your company

Yes, this is the whole purpose of the Company Profile, however, some profiles do everything BUT talk about the company and who is behind it.

Using a Mission Statement, stating Core Values and detailing your Vision can provide an outline of the company for your readers. Or, you may choose to be informal and simply write a couple of paragraphs about your business, where it came from and where it’s going in the future. Be careful not to use a generic company history which you’ve used for years – they can be SO boring. Keep the “where we came from” section short and simple.

Be sure to include some details about who is behind the company. People connect with people, not a faceless organisation. Include a profile on the key people in your business. It’s a good idea to include the staff members who deal with your customers, either face-to-face, on the phone or over the internet. This helps establish good customer relationships.

  1. Explain how you help the customer

Whether you’re dealing with individual consumers or businesses, it’s important to explain in a concise manner, exactly how you help the customer.

What “problem” do you solve for them?  How do you solve it?

This is a good place to emphasize your point of difference. Give the potential customer plenty of reasons to say “Yes” when you ask for their business.

  1. Make it easy to find information

Use an index or Table of Contents to ensure your readers can find the information they need quickly and easily. This is often best left until the end, as page numbers can change if you add or delete information.

Another way you can ensure the document is reader-friendly is to use headings for each section. If you map out the content and make it easier for the reader to find what they’re looking for, the more likely you are to make a positive impression.

  1. Use photos

People relate to people. Be sure to use a good head shot of the key people in your organisation next to their profile.

Other photos you may like to include:

  • Samples of your past work
  • Illustrations of your products and how they work – perhaps before/after shots
  • Your company premises – this is particularly helpful for those who are coming to visit you in the future
  • Company vehicles
  • A team photo which depicts the size of your organisation, if this is relevant

Ensure your photos are good quality with the best lighting available at the time. You may want to invest in using a professional photographer to enhance your company’s image.

  1. Include testimonials

No matter how much you sell yourself, nothing says more than an endorsement from a third party.

Ask your testimonial writers to place an emphasis on how you helped solve their problem – that way readers get more of an idea about the specifics of what you do and how well you do it.

  1. Make it easy to read

Print out your draft Company Profile and get several different people to read it. Ask them to be sure to point out any typographical errors, spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar or any text which doesn’t read well. This is an important step, as you often don’t see your own mistakes. The best person to read it is actually someone who knows nothing about your company. After they’ve read it, ask them to tell you what your company does, how you do it and whether they would buy from you.

If you want to make a great first impression and land the business, you need to look professional and be professional.


The above tips should guide you on your way to writing a winning Company Profile. However, if you’d like professional help to put forward your most powerful presentation, contact me – The Professional Writer – for an obligation-free discussion. Let’s talk!


Or, if you’d like to find out more Company Profile tips – check out these articles: How to write a Company Profile that wins more business and How to make your Company Profile stand out on this blog.

Do you have any Company Profile tips which have worked for you or your company? Please feel free to share via the comment box below.


Hi, I’m Lyndall Guinery-Smith, The Professional Writer. I have a strong background in small business management and I’m a Professional Company Profile writer.

I love to write copy dedicated to attracting and engaging your customers, and improving your bottom line. I happily work with clients all round Australia. Email me to arrange an obligation-free discussion about your latest project.


Want to know more?

Hi, I’m Lyndall Guinery-Smith, business owner and chief word wrangler at The Professional Writer. My team and I write content dedicated to attracting and engaging your ideal clients … and improving your bottom line. This includes website content – we LOVE writing About Us pages, business award nominations, capability statements, company profiles, team bios, blog post packages, and more. We happily work with clients all over Australia. Email us to arrange an  obligation-free discussion about your latest project.

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